Dive Into The UI/UX Design — Usability Testing
When it comes to the design part of a project, everyone is aware of the importance of user feedback. In this article we will learn all about the Usability testing.
What is the usability test?
After the wire frame and interface design, it's time to evaluate your design and discover the user experience in their perspective. Usability testing is a method to discover the Pain points and gaps before development.
These tests could be conducted in every phase of a project as they enable you to examine if your design is correctly aligned with your target audience’s needs.
How to conduct a test?
If you want to test your design before development, no worries you can perform a test with your prototype. In order to do so, you must complete the referred flow in the prototype, then test it with different user groups.
Test script: Define goals, scenarios and tasks
First, you must define your goals and your target group. Define your target user and decide which specific areas of the design, you plan on testing. Make sure to define a user goal and create task-based scenarios. When writing a test script, you can divide it into three parts: scenarios and tasks, and questions about their experience.
As an example, I want to conduct a usability test for a dietary app:
The goal of my testing is to validate its assistant flow.
- Scenario: You are at home watching a movie Then, feeling a little overweight and decide to set a diet goal for the next month.
- Task: Using this prototype, go through the process, and set your goal for losing weight in a month.
- Questionary: Do you like the visual design? Is there something that looks strange or confusing to you? Does anything distract you or get in your way? Did you use this kind of applications? Was it familiar for you? What do you expect from this application regarding this experience till now?
Conduct the test
Keep in mind that you must record the test for writing summery. Then start with contextual questions and help the participant to be comfortable during the test. There is no wrong or right, we want to test the design not that person. Stick to the scenarios and go through its tasks one by one, Then ask your questions and take notes.
Summarize results
Play your recording and note any pattern and ideas regarding user experience, don’t forget to mention the time for reference and prioritize them. You can document them in a table like below: